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Scientific Research

Treating Disorders of Female Pelvic Floor

Application of Yoga in Daily Life for Treating Disorders of Female Pelvic Floor

MUDr. Alena Filkova

Gynaecological Department

Masaryk Oncological Institution Brno




Summary: Muscular pelvic floor is a complex anatomical structure used as a support for the organs in lesser pelvis. The decline of pelvic floor is a result of childbearing mechanisms (parturition of a large fetus, prolonged labor, forceps delivery), hormonal changes in menopause period, and hard physical work (lifting of heavy burdens). The decrease in pelvic floor results in sinking of lesser pelvic organs (descensus), urinary incontinence and disorders of faecal evacuation. Prevention of these disorders can be seen in friendly choldbirth management, in avoiding lifting heavy subjects, in hormone substitution therapy of postmenopausal females, and in strengthening the muscles of pelvic floor. Sinking of pelvic floor can be treated by rehabilitation (RHB) of pelvic floor ( electrotherapy, exercises) , and surgical techniques ( vaginal plastic surgery, implantation of foreign materials in order to elevate and strengthen the pelvic floor and urethra). Principles of Yoga movements can be used for a very targeted tonic strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles. Suitable asanas are: skandarasa, setuasana, marjari, vyágrasana as well as ashvini mudra and mul bandha. Pelvic floor disorders are common problem especially in postmenopausal women. It is not only a health problem, but it is also a social handicap which women are ashamed to talk about even in gynecologists´ surgeries and which they often trivialize.